Beyond Marketing by Dr. Joe Vitale

Thoughts, news, riffs and reviews by Dr. Joe Vitale ("Mr. Fire!") about marketing, publicity, selling, hypnosis, copywriting, books, fitness, metaphysics, "The Secret" and anything else he cares to comment on, including healing, humor, the Internet and yes, maybe even sex.

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Location: Wimberley, Texas, United States

Author of way too many books to list here

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Thursday, May 24, 2007

A Coffee with Joe Vitale

Apparently the word is out that I control the universe, or at least parts of it, and on good days.

See the entire story, which appeared on the front page of the lifestyle section of today's Austin Statesman newspaper, online at --

I guess this counts as three minutes of my 15 minutes of fame.

Ao Akua


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Blogger jesselear said...

Hi Joe, nice article! I've got a quick question for you.

I'm a student...20 years old...and my goal is to create a 6 figure annual income for myself by age 23.

I'm in the middle of your book The Attractor Factor and just finished reading the chapter where you talk about the power of writing scripts. While reading that section, an idea popped into my head.

What if I were to create a sort of "imaginary" journal, and every evening write in it an entry describing my day in detail exactly as it would have been if all my dreams had already become reality.

I currently keep a very detailed, daily blog about my travels and my progress toward my dreams.

My thinking is that by creating this "imaginary" journal, I would be writing a daily series of powerful transforming scripts. It seems that with time, my life would become more and more like the "imaginary" journal...until the two journals are practically parallel.

Would you mind giving me your honest opinion on this idea? Should I do it or not?

Thanks! By the way, I'm loving the Attractor's quickly becoming one of my favorites. I have a lot of respect for you.


Jesse Lear

8:31 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I think Andy Warhol severely underestimated your fame allocation.

Nice Article, Congratulations and well deserved....

Great reminders of your soon to be "classic" lines from "The Secret" and...

I really liked the point that you brought up that "people have the idea that materialism & spirituality don't mix" (I'm paraphrasing here, but the Statesman won't let me re-read without registration..)

I'd like to hear more about your thoughts on this;

In the end, we're energy, material items are energy, and the divine is energy....

Great topic Dr. Vitale!

David Rachford

7:54 AM  
Blogger Joe Vitale said...

Jesse, I say do it, but the more important question is does it excite you? If so, forget my opinion and just do it.

8:17 AM  
Blogger David Lee said...

Hello Joe,

That was a great article. I'm also a fan of BMW's "The Ultimate Driving Machine" or Ultimate Manifesting Machine. lol

I want to first Thank You for your words in The Secret and that article pointed out the key ones that made me act a few months ago when I first learned of The Secret. I've also listened to The Attractor Factor, everything I've read or heard from you is great and inspiring. I'm really looking forward to reading your new book when it comes out "Zero Limits". When does that come out and will it be available at Borders or Barnes and Noble?

The inspiration that I received from you lead me to act upon writing an ebook, about how to make money from home. I never would have thought in a million years that I was capable of writing one, and I did it! Now I just have to promote it to sell it.

I am embarrassed to admit that I'm actually nervous writing to you. Probably because I see you as a Master or Sensei.

Once again Thank You for your words of wisdom.

Thanks for your time.

PS- If you would be at all interested in reading my ebook when you can't find anything good on TV such as jumping Ninjas. lol. I would be highly honored if you would, and would appreciate any feedback you have about it. I can send you the link to download it in an email. If you don't want to, I really do understand. As I'm sure you get this all the time. I was just taking another "action" or "act".

9:11 AM  
Blogger Reeveso08 said...

Great article Joe, glad to see the media is catching on to "The Secret" and you're getting a lot of publicity.

I have the same goal as Jesse, except I'm 21 instead of 20 so I have less than 2 years to make it happen.

I just finished "Hypnotic Marketing" last night. Thanks for the great e-book - I'm going to use the tips to further enhance my online ventures!

Owner of and

9:17 AM  
Blogger Mimi Lenox said...

Focusing on spirituality is success - in every area of our lives.

12:41 PM  

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