Beyond Marketing by Dr. Joe Vitale

Thoughts, news, riffs and reviews by Dr. Joe Vitale ("Mr. Fire!") about marketing, publicity, selling, hypnosis, copywriting, books, fitness, metaphysics, "The Secret" and anything else he cares to comment on, including healing, humor, the Internet and yes, maybe even sex.

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Location: Wimberley, Texas, United States

Author of way too many books to list here

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Saturday, June 09, 2007

Wealth Shortcuts

There are shortcuts to wealth.

But it isn't so much what you do but what you think.

Yes, you usually have to do something to get wealthy, but your thinking will determine what you do and influence what you see and achieve.

Clear the pathways in your mind to creating, attracting and receiving wealth and son of a gun, there it is, right there before your eyes and in your bank account.

But how do you clean those inner beliefs and thought limitations?

How do you install a mindset of wealth and abundance based on the "secret teachings" of the greatest prosperity writers?

A tested new way is through a combined approach of listening to key messages from the classics of wealth literature *while* in a state of receptivity.

There are now a series of audios to help you do just that.

Some you simply listen to while driving.

Others you listen to while relaxing, with headphones.

They are all described over at

The series of audios are a type of "push button" approach to attracting wealth.

They are by my friend, famous Las Vegas hypnotist Scott Lewis. He combines his expertise in hypnosis with the wealth literature of Napoleon Hill and Wallace Wattles and others.

Why not take a look?

Ao Akua,


PS -- In a few days I'll be revealing my Secret of Productivity. People have been asking me how I'm able to create so many books, CDs, DVDs, products, services, courses and so on. Next week I'll reveal how you, too, can be prolific and productive and get things done with my method. Stay tuned.

If you like the free articles on this blog, let Joe know by buying him his all-time favorite gift - an Amazon gift certificate. His email is Click Here!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Joey,

You never stop to amaze us..

You never stop to amaze us..

You never stop to amaze us ..

With your desire to help others and show the way..

You are truely an amazing human being..a fountain of beauty..a fountain of giving away..a fountain from the universe itself (or himself)..

How can I thank you for the floods of guidance and wisdom into abundance and wealth?

How can I thank you? How can we thank you? How can they thank you? How can we thank the universe??!!

Thank you..Thank you..


7:44 PM  

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