Beyond Marketing by Dr. Joe Vitale

Thoughts, news, riffs and reviews by Dr. Joe Vitale ("Mr. Fire!") about marketing, publicity, selling, hypnosis, copywriting, books, fitness, metaphysics, "The Secret" and anything else he cares to comment on, including healing, humor, the Internet and yes, maybe even sex.

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Location: Wimberley, Texas, United States

Author of way too many books to list here

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Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Ask Me Anything

If you could ask me just one question about how to live a "Zero Limits" life, what would it be?

I'll be doing a free teleseminar soon where I can answer your question. You can post it at

This event is part of a global promotion for the release of my next book, "Zero Limits," due out at the end of this month.

"Zero Limits" is the true story of the therapist who helped heal an entire ward of mentally ill criminals, using a simple Hawaiian healing method called ho'oponopono.

The book is by me and the therapist, and reveals his method for the first time in history. The method can be used to remove inner blocks to anything you want to heal or manifest.

This is the most exciting thing I've ever written about.

Aparrently I'm not the only one to think so.

Dr. Marc Gitterle said, "I feel this book will be the definitive personal-change/self-help book for at least a generation, and viewed as a watershed event by historians. There is real potential for this book to start a movement that will end war, poverty and the environmental devastation of our beloved planet."

Bestselling author Debbie Ford said,"This riveting book can awaken humanity."

Author James Arthur Ray said, "Joe Vitale has captured the truth that all great spiritual, scientific, and psychological principles teach at the most fundamental level."

Maverick marketer Craig Perrine said, "This book is like a stick of dynamite and the moment you start reading the fuse is lit. It blows away all the complex and confusing success paradigms of the past and reveals a refreshing and clear path to transform your life with just one simple step."

Again, you can post your question at --

Ao Akua,


PS - You can get more details about the book, including how to get audios of the first seminar based on the ideas in the book, at You can also pre-order the book from Amazon. I'm currently recording the audios for the book and they should be on itunes at the end of the month, as well.

If you like the free articles on this blog, let Joe know by buying him his all-time favorite gift - an Amazon gift certificate. His email is Click Here!


Blogger Kris said...

Dear Joe,
I was on the call last night and wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart. You are a HUGE inspiration. Every time I've heard you say "Dare something worthy", there is something "real" in your voice that makes me want to jump up and live my life with even more zest and enthusiasm--and I'm pretty zestful already.
Your comments about marketing and selling struck a chord and I realized a past limiting belief of mine--"I can't market myself or business because it's selfish." I was previously unaware of this boundary I had placed on myself and thus my business.
This morning I felt clear and ideas were pouring in :-) However, this afternoon I had an appointment with an energy healer that caused me to question my direction in life completely... I digress.
Point is, for you to have "sold" someone like me on all that you offer, you must be a sincere lovable person. Your family and friends are blessed to have you in their life, as am I.
Thanks you, I love you, Namaste,
Kris K

3:53 PM  
Blogger Kris said...

I will not be able to make the July 5, Thur, teleconference. However, the last one inspired me more than I have felt in literally years. So, I would really like to hear it. Will you be taping it for folks to have access after the fact?
I appreciate your consideration,
Kris K

12:29 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Joe, I've followed your work for the last few years, and I've noticed that you have NOT come up with anything original, but you have the amazing ability to pick up info from other people and package it wisely, and sell it as if YOU have any part in it.

You got Neville Goddard ideas, you got a few expired copyrighted books, and now you're exploiting the Hawaian HO'OPONOPONO question is...WHEN are you coming up with something ORIGINAL?????? Hope you have the courage of posting this question AND explaining your uninformed readers what you're really up to. I agree that you have an amazing ability to MARKET things and make money with misleading sales letters...besides that, nothing original....

Your subtitle should say: "Author of many Plagiarized books to mention".

Willie - Miami

10:19 AM  
Blogger Joe Vitale said...

Hi Willie,

I guess you haven't read Buying Trances or Hypnotic Writing or There's a Customer Born Every Minute or Life's Missing....oh, well, why list it all?

I also guess you didn't notice that my co-authored works clearly say right on them who the other authors were, like Nevile or Dr. Hew Len.

I also guess you don't read directions, as this blog moved weeks ago to

Blessings to you nonetheless,


12:55 PM  

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