Beyond Marketing by Dr. Joe Vitale

Thoughts, news, riffs and reviews by Dr. Joe Vitale ("Mr. Fire!") about marketing, publicity, selling, hypnosis, copywriting, books, fitness, metaphysics, "The Secret" and anything else he cares to comment on, including healing, humor, the Internet and yes, maybe even sex.

My Photo
Location: Wimberley, Texas, United States

Author of way too many books to list here

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If you like the free articles on this blog, let Joe know by buying him his all-time favorite gift - an Amazon gift certificate. His email is Click Here!

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

"Invincible Marketing" now on Podcast

Thanks to my dear friend Mark Ryan, my recent one-hour teleseminar is now my most recent podcast. It's at

On it I reveal the 7 secrets of Invincible Marketing.

I surprised myself with all the information I revealed on the call -- all of them proven to work for any on-line or off-line business -- everything from --

* What most people never do in marketing
* The real secret behind P.T. Barnum's fortune
* How I orchestrated the greatest hoax in modern history (!)
* How I got 3,000 people to visit my blog in a day
* How to reach new customers for free
* How a woman went from broke to $10,000
* How a "positive addiction" can help you
* Where to look for the gold in your life
* What you must do every day to succeed
* My private secret for always growing
* The truth about the fear of failure - or success
* How to discover what you really want
* My secret to productivity
* And....well, the list just goes on and on.

Just go to my podcast. Sit back. Relax. Soak up the information.

And don't say I never gave you anything.


Ao Akua

Joe Vitale

PS - On the podcast I mention my Executive Mentoring Program. It's described at

If you like the free articles on this blog, let Joe know by buying him his all-time favorite gift - an Amazon gift certificate. His email is Click Here!

Sunday, February 26, 2006

If He Can Heal the Mentally Ill, What Can YOU Do?

Over seventy people flew to Austin, Texas from all over the country to have dinner with Dr. Haleakala Hew Len and myself last night.

It was a day of rain as they arrived; it's a day of sunshine as they leave.

Why did they come?

None could say for sure.

Most said they "felt inspired" or "felt it was right" to fly four hours or drive six hours to get here for a dinner and a 90-minute conversation.

But all left with a light in their eyes that no one could deny.

Last night after dinner, as the seventy folks watched and helped, I questioned Dr. Len about his years as a therapist at a mental hospital for the criminally insane in Hawaii. During the time he was there, patients got better, though he never saw any of them.

Patients who were heavily sedated were getting off medications.

Patients who were in shackles were being freed.

Patients were getting better and being released in months

After two years, all patients were released.

Today that ward remains empty.

I've been fascinated with this story since I first heard it. I wanted to know how Dr. Len did it.

After all, how do you heal anyone by healing yourself?

Dr. Len explained how he simply works on himself; that everything he experiences is his own stuff. He has to take 100% responsibility for it. When he does, and when he cleans it, everyone involved gets better.

When he is handed a file for a rapist or a murderer, he notes what comes up within himself. He doesn't see or judge the patient. He clears his own "stuff." As he does, the patient heals.

What Dr. Len does is heal the "memory", as he calls it, or program, as I call it, that was active in the patient.

As Dr. Len erased it in himself, it got erased in the patient.

How did he erase the shared memory?

By saying "Forgive me" and "I'm sorry" to the Divine.

I know it's wild, but that's how Dr. Len cleans.

Do that enough times and even mentally ill criminals get to go home again -- as healthy adults.

I'm not going to try to explain all this here. We recorded last night's experience and I may release the audios at some point (maybe on my podcast or as a bonus for my upcoming March 7 promotion).

Listening to the audios won't be as fulfilling as being in the room and feeling the buzz of people awakening. But you'll get a sense of the magic.

I'm also working on Dr. Len to let me write a book about his experiences and methods. Since I've spent the last three days with him, I believe I'm starting to wear him down. :)

After spending hours and hours of one-on-one lively discussion time with Dr. Len, on top of last night's shared experience, I feel like there is so much to say, and share.

This is just a taste.

Consider: If he can use this cleansing method to heal an entire ward of mentally ill ciminals, what could you do with it?

Ao Akua,

Joseph Vitale

PS - I've written about Dr. Len elsewhere on this blog. You might also review

If you like the free articles on this blog, let Joe know by buying him his all-time favorite gift - an Amazon gift certificate. His email is Click Here!

Friday, February 24, 2006

I am sooooooo FRUSTRATED!

Two nights ago I interviewed a famous sports hypnotherapist. The subject was "How to Have Super-Human Self-Confidence."

I was excited about this call, promoted it for two weeks in advance, and paid extra to open the phone lines to hold more callers.

But on the night of the call, no one could get in -- not even my own guest!

Talk about frustration. I grabbed my cell phone and called the conference phone provider. They put me on hold for 20 minutes -- this is while my guest and hundreds if not thousands of people are cursing my name because they can't get on the call.

We finally got to do the call, and it was phenomenal. You can hear it on my podcast at

But this adventure didn't stop there.

Last night I was being interviewed on yet another call, this one about "Invincible Marketing."

Again, I promoted this event weeks in advance, told people to call in early so they wouldn't be blocked from being on the call with a sell-out crowd, etc.

And yes, the same thing happened again!

Hundreds to thousands of people couldn't get on, including my guest interviewer!

I again grabbed my mobile phone, called the service provider, and was again put on hold for 10 minutes while they sorted this out, realized it was their problem, opened the lines up, and said they were sorry.

We went on and did the call, which I think was one of the best I ever gave. You can hear it online at

After the call last night, I sent a stern email to the service provider.

Someone instantly wrote back, apologizing, and saying they would have someone from their headquarters call me in the morning.

Well, it's morning and still no call.

I find this "service" astonishing.

Success in business is as easy as doing what you say you will do.

Being very successful in business is as easy as doing more than what you say you will do, and doing it before you said you would get it done.

I don't know about you, but I'm tired of people who take their customers for granted.

Let this be a lesson to all of us -- myself included -- to do self-checks to be sure we aren't screwing up.

Ao Akua,

Joseph Vitale

PS - Last night's call on Invincible Marketing was truly powerful. You can access it at no cost from

PPS - The call on self-confidence was intense. You can hear it on my podcast (link on lower left). You can also grab a deal on my guest's products, at least until March 1, at Go take a look.

PPPS - The kitty above is my buddy, Tiger. He's been with me about 15 years now. He doesn't like poor service, either. Which means I better go feed him right now...

If you like the free articles on this blog, let Joe know by buying him his all-time favorite gift - an Amazon gift certificate. His email is Click Here!

Thursday, February 16, 2006

What is "The Secret" -- and WHERE is it?

The happy, pizza-eating group of people in the picture you see are part of my Executive MentoringTeam.

They are smiling because they are one of the first in the world to see an exclusive private showing of the brand new movie, The Secret.

The long-awaited movie was supposed to be released to the world on Feb 15th. It's been delayed due to interest from giant movie chains, network television stations, and global giants who want to buy and air the movie to the world.

Until the negotiations are done and the dust settles, the only way to see The Secret right now is by knowing someone in it (like me). Everyone filmed for the movie received an advance copy of it. We are allowed to show it in private groups, like I did yesterday for my mentoring team.

So if you know Bob Proctor, or Esther Hicks, or Jack Canfield, or John Assaraf, or Bob Dyole, or Bill Harris, or James Arthur Ray, or me, you might be able to see the movie before the public does.

So, what IS The Secret, anyway?

I've reviewed the movie elsewhere on this blog.

Other reviews are starting to appear on other blogs. I'm told Blair Warren will have one on his blog soon at

The movie is a masterpiece.

Inspiring and electrifying.

When it comes out, see it, buy it, get copies for friends and family, and tell the world.

This is the kind of event that can elevate humanity.

See the teaster for it at

Ao Akua,


PS - If you don't know about my Executive Mentoring Program, see

If you like the free articles on this blog, let Joe know by buying him his all-time favorite gift - an Amazon gift certificate. His email is Click Here!

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Beware False Readings

A fitness trainer I know looked at the recent photo of me and actor James Caan and exclaimed, "Eat more protein! You're losing too much weight!"

Was he right?

While in LA, I had my blood work done and a nutritional profile worked up. The nutritionist called me when the results were in and exclaimed, "You're eating too much protein! Cut it out!"

Was he right?

When the lab sent the blood work results back, I got a call with someone saying, "Your cholesterol is too high!"

Was he right?

I had a friend who is a medical doctor review the lab results and he said, "I think this is a false reading."

A what?

He went on to explain that I was badly dehydrated the day they took my blood, so my levels were off. He didn't think my cholesterol was high at all. And my protein intake was probably fine.

Interesting, isn't it?

In every situation -- whether health or marketing related -- I think we need to get second opinions from professionals, and then compare notes and look at variables.

What appears to be reality may in fact be a "false reading."

This is true in marketing, as well.

A mailing may not do well and someone will blame the list, when in fact it may have been a lousy headline...or a poor offer...or...?

Beware false readings.

Ao Akua,


PS - As a result of the temporary scare that I may have had high cholesterol, I discovered a physician-created new supplement that is guaranteed to lower bad cholesterol, raise good cholesterol, and also help prevent heart attack and stroke. This is pharmaceutical-grade, all natural, and proven to work -- in only 30 days. It contains a "secret ingredient" that no other supplement on the market has. This "secret" helps prevent heart attack and stroke. I'm so excited that I invested $12,500 in the company just to insure that I'll get the stuff as soon as it's ready. I'd tell you more about it but the next batch of this special cholesterol-lowering formula won't be ready for three weeks. Personally, I can't wait. Stay tuned.

PPS - NLP/Hypnosis/Persuasion expert Kevin Hogan and I had a fun time at a photo session last summer. See the silly and not-so-silly pictures of us and study our body language (a specialty of Kevin's) at See any false readings there?

If you like the free articles on this blog, let Joe know by buying him his all-time favorite gift - an Amazon gift certificate. His email is Click Here!

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Who Do You Please?

I'm about to write the largest check of my life.

I've bought large houses. And expensive cars. And built my own gym. And Catarium. And an entire library for books.

I'm comfortable spending money.

But today I'm faced with spending more than ever before -- for a giant publicity event to help bring global attention to my forthcoming books.

Truth is, I'm nervous.

I'm nervous because I'm afraid of what people will think.

What if they don't like this PR stunt?

I was nervous when I released The Attractor Factor.

But it went on to become a #1 bestseller on Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

I was nervous when I began to lose weight.

But now I'm 80 pounds lighter and considered the Charles Atlas of the Internet.

Despite all the successes I can draw on from my past to remind me that everything works out in the end, I'm still sweating.


I think it's because I want people to like me.

I remember hearing Rod Serling, the creator of The Twilight Zone TV series (who I met when I was a teenager), once say that he was as sensitive as anyone else to people's comments and criticisms.

I can relate.

Just a few days ago someone who I considered a friend wrote me a fiery email, so hateful that it shot chills up my spine.

He mis-read, mis-interpreted, and missed the point of one of my blog entries, and in a website mention in my recent newsletter, and he shot through the roof with anger. He wanted nothing to do with me ever again. He condemned me, my experience, and my education.

It was not pleasant.

And that was from a friend.

Then there are the emails I get from complete strangers who don't like one thing or another that I do.

Some liked me better fat. (It's true.)

Some liked me better with a beard. (I looked "hip.")

Some are blunt in telling me what they think, oblivious to how I may feel afterwards.

So here I sit, about to write a check that would make Donald Trump think twice, and I'm nervous.

But here's the lesson:

In order to be outrageously successful, you can't let yourself be affected by others.

You can hear what they say. Sometimes they have a point. But you can't let yourself be stopped by what they say. You have to have an iron will.

Yes, I still care what people think. But in my heart I know I am being true to me.

My mission is to help people go for and achieve their dreams. I'm doing everything I can do make that happen. If people complain about that, then they'll complain about anything.

Truth is, complaining is easy.

Creating is the challenge...and the joy.

I'm a creator.

And now I'm going to write that check.

Ao Akua,


PS - Consider: What positive thing would you do if you weren't afraid of what people thought?

PPS - The above picture is of me and persuasion expert Kevin Hogan of We were hamming it up while my beautiful Nerissa took pictures. We didn't care what people thought. It was a fun time with a good friend. Check him out. His books are excellent.

If you like the free articles on this blog, let Joe know by buying him his all-time favorite gift - an Amazon gift certificate. His email is Click Here!

Monday, February 06, 2006

Confidential Report: Hypnotic SEO Strategy Results

My post titled "Hypnotic SEO Strategy Finally Revealed by Jack Bauer on 24" got more people reading this blog than anything I've ever written -- including my three posts on meeting actor James Caan or my post about Lindsay Lohan's secret lust for me.

In that "Hypnotic SEO" post I explained how I seeded my blog entries with current hotly searched key words, such as Lindsay Lohan. As I explained in that post...

I went to Zeitgeist at Google There I found a list of the latest search terms, 1. mta strike2. john spencer3. jibjab4. king kong5. dr. phil6. ny17. naomi watts8. howard stern9. rachel mcadams10. west wing11. 40 year old virgin12. uma thurman13. winter solstice14. scarlett johansson15. intelligent design From there I wrote a blog entry that used those key words.

Since then, I have done my best to write blog entries that logically utilize a current hot search term, usually a famous person.

So the natural question arises:

Does this method work?

Answer: Yes!

I've been watching the stats on this blog for weeks now. Hundreds of people visit here every day. They usually spend 2 to 3 minutes reading blog entries.

Most come expecting to be here for a few seconds (so they've personally told me) but quickly find themselves sucked into a "hypnotic" post. They just keep reading. (See, Hypnotic Writing does work.

But where are these people coming here from?

  • The vast majority are jumping over here after visiting my main site at That's natural and to be expected.
  • The next large group come here by searching for "Agatha Christie writing" or "The Agatha Code." Of course, I wrote about her hypnotic writing style on this blog, too.
  • The next group come here from the oddest search entries on Google, everything from "Lindsay Lohan weight loss" to "Lindsay Lohan before and after" to "Lindsay Lohan health."
  • Others are searching for information on Chartreuse, the French herbal liquor I wrote about at one point (and spent $166 on a bottle of private stock).
  • Many are searching for information on the movie The Secret and end up at my post where I answer questions about it.
  • There are random arrivals of newbies, too. One person searched Google for "handshake hypnosis" and came to my blog entry about that.
  • A few typed in "mental toughness" and came to my entry about the best books of 2005.
  • Of course, many search for "Joe Vitale" or "Mr. Fire" and land here.

And so it goes.

It appears that using hot search terms in my blog entries gets the search engines to spider and rank this blog very fast.

It also appears that people are typing in all kinds of word-strings in their attempt to search out something on their mind.

I find this fascinating. Trying to guess what people will search for, and supply it on your site, seems like a receipe for insanity.

My advice: Write what you are passionate about. Be sincere. Be yourself.

Then, when people find you, it will be a match.

And yes, I'm passionate about Lindsay Lohan. So writing about her is natural for me, as well as a smart SEO thing to do.

If I wanted to turn this observation into a money-maker, I might create an e-book about "Lindsay Lohan's Weight-Loss Secrets."

I'd have some legalities to deal with, of course (like getting her permission), but you get the idea: You can let the searches determine what product you create, but you also should balance that with your own passion and interests.

When you find that match of your passion and searchers' quest, you can make a very nice living.
Ao Akua,


PS -- My next book, Life's Missing Instruction Manual (pictured above), will be for sale on March 7. I'll do a giant promotion that day, complete with many bonuses, so go ahead and mark your calendar: March 7th. Tell Lindsay Lohan, too. She'll love it.

If you like the free articles on this blog, let Joe know by buying him his all-time favorite gift - an Amazon gift certificate. His email is Click Here!

Friday, February 03, 2006

Whew! I just saw "The Secret"!

Because I'm in the movie The Secret, I just received and watched an advance copy of it.

It's riveting.




A true masterpiece.

Stories bring it alive.

Music and acting make it vivid.

Hearing about remarkable people like "the miracle man" -- who only had his mind to work with to heal himself -- made me want to stand up and cheer.

Seeing friends Bob Proctor, Esther Hicks, Jack Canfield (seen above with me), Bob Doyle, and John Assaraf, were all highlights.

Seeing myself in it didn't hurt, either.

Can't wait for this to be seen by the world (on Feb. 15th). It's heavy on Abraham and Bob Proctor has a lot to say in it, but god, what a timely message of hope and practicality in a world stuffed to the ears with fear.


Ao Akua,


PS -- Get details at


If you like the free articles on this blog, let Joe know by buying him his all-time favorite gift - an Amazon gift certificate. His email is Click Here!

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

How the World Works (I Think)

I've been trying to figure out how the world works since I was old enough to read children's books and then comic books.

Superman and The Flash were pretty easy to understand. Today I have to deal with science, religion, psychology and philosophy as well as my own mental wanderings.

Just when I think I have a handle on things, along comes another book to disturb my view of the world. This time I was reading Consciousness Speaks by Balsekar when I started to get a headache.

IfI had to sum up its message in words from a man confused by reading the book, I'd say that nothing we do comes from free will. It's all being prompted through us. We think we are the conscious actors. We're wrong. That's our egos talking. In some respect, we're puppets with the divine as the energy up our butts pulling our strings.

Now imagine this --

I'm the guy who wrote the book, The Attractor Factor. It explains a 5-step process for having, doing, or being anything you want. I and others have used the method to attract everything from wealth to cars to spouses to health to jobs to, well, you name it. It's all about declaring your intention and then acting on what comes your way or bubbles up from within to make it manifest. In short, you're the puppeteer and the world is your puppet.

So how do I fit these two apparently conflicting philosophies in my head without going bonkers?

I think it works like this --

First, we are living in a belief driven world. Whatever you believe, will work. It'll get you through the day, at any rate. It will frame your experiences into perceptions that make sense to you. And when something comes your way that doesn't seem to match your world view/belief system, you'll find a way to rationalize it and force it to fit. Or you'll take valium.

Second, I can't help but wonder if both philosophies are right: We're the puppet and the puppeteer. But that only works when we get out of our own way. It's our minds that drive us to over drink, over eat, frolic, steal, lie, and even spend too much time worrying about how the world works. Our minds get in the way of the natural flow of things. Our minds know it's doomed and it can't stand the thought of it, so it constructs feel good addictions to help it survive. In reality (whatever that is), your mind is the interference to experiencing the bliss of this moment.

If this is so, then all the techniques to get clear -- whichI talk about as step three in The Attractor Factor -- are there to help you take the interference out of the divine plan.

For example, when you use a method like EFT -- the tapping your troubles away approach to life --you dissolve the issues troubling you.

But then what happens?

Then you take a positive action.

Well, weren't you going to take that positive action anyway?

Isn't that why you knew there was a problem to begin with?

In other words, the nudge to take action was sent to you from the divine, and your anxiety over it was the interference. Take away the interference and you're back to being one with the divine, which means you're puppet and puppeteer again.

So let me try to sum up what at least makes sense to me tonight:

You came into this world with a gift within yourself. You may know it right away or not. You may not even know it right now. At some point you'll sense it within you. Now, your mind is going to judge it. If your mind judges it as bad, you'll seek therapy or methods or drugs or addictions to handle it, hide it, resolve it, release it, or accept it. But once you have removed that interference preventing you from acting on your gift, you'll act on that gift. In short, you'll be the puppet of the divine but you'll be puppeteer of your life.

Your choice is to go with the flow or not.

That's free will.

Even the great showman and marketer P.T. Barnum, who I wrote about in my book, There's A Customer Born Every Minute, knew this. He took action. He did things on a grand scale. But he was always obeying some higher order. His gravestone marker reads, "Not my will but thine be done."

He acted on his ideas....without interference from his mind....and he allowed the results to be what they were, trusting that it was all part of the universe's bigger picture. He was able to let go while taking action.

And that's step five in my book, The Attractor Factor.

Tonight I have the world figured out. (I think.)

Tomorrow I'm not so sure.

I long for comic books again.

Expect miracles.

Ao Akua,


PS -- What does any of this have to do with marketing? Everything. As you are trying your hand at selling online, you are having experiences. Are you learning from them or beating yourself up over them? Also, you are getting ideas all the time. Are you acting on them or questioning them? Your mind can help you achieve your dreams (which are ideas coming from the divine) by agreeing with them; your mind can also destroy your dreams and take you out of the happiness and flow of life. I know this is all "Beyond Marketing" but hey, that's the title of this blog, isn't it?

PPS - The movie The Secret will be released this month, on the 15th. Three people somehow managed to see the premier and said I was "AWESOME" in it and that my appearance "lit up the screen." Well, I can't wait till I see it. If you still don't know what this film is about, ask yourself where you've been for the last six months and then get over to Hey, maybe it will explain how the world really works.

If you like the free articles on this blog, let Joe know by buying him his all-time favorite gift - an Amazon gift certificate. His email is Click Here!