Beyond Marketing by Dr. Joe Vitale

Thoughts, news, riffs and reviews by Dr. Joe Vitale ("Mr. Fire!") about marketing, publicity, selling, hypnosis, copywriting, books, fitness, metaphysics, "The Secret" and anything else he cares to comment on, including healing, humor, the Internet and yes, maybe even sex.

My Photo
Location: Wimberley, Texas, United States

Author of way too many books to list here

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If you like the free articles on this blog, let Joe know by buying him his all-time favorite gift - an Amazon gift certificate. His email is Click Here!

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Ode to Joe

Anita Law just wrote and sent me the below "Ode to Joe."
She gave me permission to share it here with you.
- joe

On the day you were born
The angels they smiled wide
They saw a jewel in you
And were filled with a great pride

This marvelous creation
He’d share a lot of gifts
It started with his words
They’d initiate great shifts

Early in his years
He had a great obsession
With Barnum, sales and marketing
And metaphysical lessons

He became a copywriter
That everyone would hire
This Buddha of the internet
We aptly named him Mr. Fire

He would help save millions
And teach a million more
His words are so creative
They never, ever bore

His book became a bestseller
After years of working hard
He then made it to the big screen
And became a “Secret” Star!

You can’t quite peg this Joe Guy
His talents so diverse
He can help you grow your business
By following his wise verse

He also teaches other stuff
Like how to get a car
Become an Attractor Factor
And trust me, you’ll go far!

He wrote it for his sister
For whom he has great love
He then was asked to share it
And was given lot’s of shoves

Although he’s written many
Too many to mention hear
The underlying truth about Joe
Is he’ll help you conquer fears

It really doesn’t matter
Whatever you desire
You’ll have a resource ready
From the library of Mr. Fire!

Many have watched him grow
His business and career
From homeless to his dream home
You can’t help but shed a tear

This metaphysical marketer
He’s a funny, loving man
Now known as Atlas of the net
He sports muscles and a tan!

So Buddha became a body builder
And Nerissa caught it all
On tape that is, she captured
His transformation for them all!

But before he became a hottie again
He beat Harry at the polls
Attractor Factor hit number one
He had met his goals!

But one would never be enough
So Barnum did Return
Hypnotic copywriting
Would have another turn

And now it’s Zero Limits
Watch out world its coming!
Shed old beliefs and heal
This man the whole world’s LOVING!

Even Larry King agrees
So he had him on his show
Joe talked about our power
To create our lives as we go

He writes some real cool stuff
And posts it on his blog
If ever you are down
And are trying to lift the fog

All you need is a little Joe
Books, film or audio
He’s got everything you need
To flourish and to grow!

Vitale is his birth name
And his life is very good
Francine is his new girlfriend
With the shiny, new red hood

Nerissa doesn’t even mind
This new girl who just moved in
She even took the pictures
Of Joe’s luxury made of tin!

And so on his big birthday
The angels they did sing
And the Universe was happy
With this manifesting thing

So they gave him a big cake
And friends and family showed
Their love for Mr. Fire
This man they all call Joe

They sang and laughed a lot
And others they did smile
They toasted in his honor
To what God knew all the while

That this man was quite a special one
Who’d take the world by storm
He’d overcome great obstacles
His pages dog-eared and well worn

Even though he knew the Secret
Neville, Hill, and all the rest
He’d never keep it coveted
Cause sharing secrets is always best

So as a birthday wish
I see for you BIG things
You’ll continue on your path
As a writer with angel’s wings!

‘Cause I know your just beginning
In a lot of different ways
ho'oponopono is what’s next
And I know it will parlay

Into even more astounding feats
Barnum would be proud
So Happy Birthday our dear Joe
The whole world they do shout

Thanks for being you, Joe
And for having so much fun
Your spirit, books and inspirations
You are one of the great ones!

A lot of people love you
Most you’ll never know
But know this my soulful friend,
They are grateful for you Joe!

Happy Birthday Joe!

Love, Anita

Copyright © 2006 Anita Pathik Law

If you like the free articles on this blog, let Joe know by buying him his all-time favorite gift - an Amazon gift certificate. His email is Click Here!

Saturday, December 30, 2006

The Bestselling Book that Doesn't Exist

Before I left to go to my birthday party last night, I sent out an email to my database letting them know they could have a free Special Report on instant healing -- an excerpt from the forthcoming book on ho'oponopono called Zero Limits, written by myself and Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len -- by sending a blank email to

I also mentioned the new website for the book at

At that point something amazing happened.

Thousands of people asked for the Special Report, and even more went to the website.

I expected that. But I didn't expect what they did next.

Those people then jumped over to and pre-ordered the book.

Those pre-orders pushed the book up the Amazon bestseller list.

This is astonishing.

Please understand --

The book won't be available until July.

I just finished writing it last week.

I bet the publisher hasn't even read it yet!

In the morning, Zero Limits had no sales rank at all at Amazon. That meant no one was pre-ordering it.

By evening the book was becoming a bestseller. That meant lots of people were pre-ordering it.

When I checked last night, the book was ranked around 400 -- making it a top 500 bestseller on Amazon and even seeing it beat the sales for my official enduring bestseller, The Attractor Factor.

I've seen Harry Potter books become bestsellers before they were released, and I've seen books by former U.S. Presidents become bestsellers before they were published, but I've never seen a book become a bestseller that doesn't even exist yet.

It made for a great birthday.

Ao Akua,


PS - My birthday party last night was incredible. My inner circle of best friends weathered Texas floods and cold weather to meet, have dinner, and shower me with gifts and love. My dear friend Pat O'Bryan orchestrated the whole thing. Nerissa took video of the event and others took pictures. As soon as I have something to show, I'll let you know. What a night. What a day. I'm very grateful. Thank you. I love you.

PPS - The January 2007 issue of my ezine, News You Can Use, is now online. You can see the current and all past newsletters -- 8 years worth -- by going to and clicking on the "Past Newsletters" link on the left. Enjoy.

If you like the free articles on this blog, let Joe know by buying him his all-time favorite gift - an Amazon gift certificate. His email is Click Here!

Friday, December 29, 2006

Time Burns Mr. Fire

Yesterday Time ran a story about the hit movie The Secret.

You might guess what they said.

Being mainstream media, they focused on the negative.

They quoted people who objected to the movie's focus on creating wealth, ignoring the fact that the movie also focuses on health, happiness, relationships, and more.

They also said that while the movie called me a metaphysician, my website says I put people into "hypno-buying trances," completely ignoring that my website doesn't ever say that and that my other websites include and and even -- all clearly metaphysical sites.

Oh, and my main site does say I'm a metaphysician right on

Time also said in the article that the guests in the movie The Secret consisted of "hustlers," ignoring the fact that most of the guests are respected authorities in their fields.

Time also said the movie was "hokey," completely ignoring the primary directive of good journalism: never judge.

You can read the Time article at,8599,1573136,00.html

Much good will come of this, of course.

I'm serious.

Keep in mind that the article does promote the movie by giving the website for it early on in the piece.

Many people will hear about the movie for the first time, thanks to Time.

We should send them a thank you card.

Ao Akua,


PS - Today's my birthday. I'm taking the day off and going to a party tonight that my friend Pat O'Bryan is throwing. I intend for it to be a great day. It already is. Thank you.

If you like the free articles on this blog, let Joe know by buying him his all-time favorite gift - an Amazon gift certificate. His email is Click Here!

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Grip Success

A few months ago I bought a Captain of Crush hand gripper.

This exercise tool helps build strong hands, wrists and forearms. I've used them before, but they were always of minimal strength resistance.

The kind you can buy at the local store is nothing compared to the kind muscle builders and old school strength trainers use. Some of the "captain of crush" hand grippers can only be closed by two or three men on the entire planet.

I decided to take on the personal challenge of increasing my own hand strength by getting a truly hard to close gripper.

The first one I bought was a challenge for me to close even once. But I left it out on the kitchen counter and every day I would pick it up and squeeze it. After a few weeks it was a snap to close ten or twelve times.

I then bought a more resistant gripper. When it arrived, I had the same challenge. I couldn't squeeze it shut at first. But I left this one on the kitchen counter, too, and every time I walked by it, I picked it up and squeezed. After a few weeks, I could close it multiple times.

I then bought an even more powerful hand gripper. When it arrived, I couldn't even budge it. I couldn't squeeze it at all. But I left it on the kitchen counter and every day picked it up and tried again. Today I can budge it a little, and soon I'll be able to close it.

The point of this story is that you can succeed at anything challenging if you work at it just a little every day.

Ao Akua,


PS - The best place to get hand grippers and learn more about hand, wrist and forearm strength training is at The site is run by the incredibly prolific (and I bet strong) John Wood. Tell him I sent you.

If you like the free articles on this blog, let Joe know by buying him his all-time favorite gift - an Amazon gift certificate. His email is Click Here!

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

The Divine Matrix

I just finished reading one of the most riveting books of 2006 -- The Divine Matrix by Gregg Braden.

I haven't underlined, highlighted and page bent so many times in a book since I don't know when.

Braden is the author of numerous books, from The God Code to Secrets of the Lost Mode of Prayer.

The Divine Matrix, his latest gem, is a blend of science and spirituality with some storytelling thrown in to bring it all to life.

The whole idea is that we live in and are a "divine matrix." We can communicate with this matrix and change our lives with feeling and intention -- the cornerstones of my book, The Attractor Factor, and the movie, The Secret.

Braden takes it to a whole new level by describing our three primary fears (they aren't what you think) and offers 20 keys to conscious creation.

I love seeing my mystical hero Neville quoted so much. Neville often said that your imagination is God. The way to communicate with the matrix is with your imagination and emotion. Neville called it feeling the end result.

I also love that Braden says, "We are not bound by the laws of physics as we know them today."

That is an incredibly liberating statement.

I think the book is missing a key ingredient, though.

It doesn't fully explain that feeling what you want as if you already have it, while letting go of any attachment to getting what you want, is the real key to success.

It mentions both elements, but not in a way that really gets the point across.

The point, to me, is that you must entirely let go and only feel love in order to communicate with the matrix and bring peace to yourself, and through you to the world.

I explain how to do this in the book I just finished writing with Dr. Hew Len, Zero Limits. It will be out Summer, 2007. If you want a small taste of my new book right now, send a blank email to

Meanwhile, there's much to chew on in Braden's book.

I suggest you get it.

Ao Akua,


PS -- If you prefer to listen rather than read, Braden has several audio programs with Nightingale-Conant, the publisher of my own program, The Power of Outrageous Marketing. One of his is called The Spontaneous Healing of Belief. Click the images below to learn more about his product or mine.

PPS - The famous "I love you" recording by Pat O'Bryan and me can help you feel love more of the time, which is the best way to communicate with the Divine: Go see. I love you.

If you like the free articles on this blog, let Joe know by buying him his all-time favorite gift - an Amazon gift certificate. His email is Click Here!

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Three Resources for a Blue Christmas

If you are having a difficult time today -- the holidays can be the bluest time of the year -- here are a couple of immediate resources for you:

I have not used either service, but I imagine either could help you get through the day.

Both are free.

Ao Akua,


PS - The subliminal DVD I released last week can also help you. It will help you forgive yourself and others so you can experience love again. It's described at

If you like the free articles on this blog, let Joe know by buying him his all-time favorite gift - an Amazon gift certificate. His email is Click Here!


I'm spending this cold, rainy day before the holiday celebrating the completion of my next book, reading a riveting new one, and resisting temptation.

My next book is called Zero Limits and will be out this summer. I think it's the most important and most powerful book I've written to date.

The book I'm reading is POP! Stand Out in Any Crowd by Sam Horn. It's a fun read as well as brain stretching one designed to help you come up with catchy phrases, statements, ads, and more.

I like Sam's work (she wrote Tongue Fu!) and knew this one would be good. I just didn't expect it to be great.

This morning I read the first few chapters of POP! and came up with some fun one liners to help promote my Miracles Coaching program. For example:

"Go from Near-icles to Miracles with Joe Vitale's Miracles Coaching."

"Release Fear-icles to achieve Miracles with Joe Vitale's Miracles Coaching."

I'm not done with my phrase conjuring yet, but the above one liners came quickly by using only one of Sam's techniques. Even though I haven't finished the book, my mind is already buzzing with new ideas.

I also created a few email subject lines that are truly riveting. I'd list them here for you, but I want to use them in an email or two first. (If you don't get my emails, sign up at

I think anyone in marketing -- or anyone stuck at a party or mingling at a networking meeting or locked in an elevator with strangers wondering what to say next -- needs this book.

Go get POP!

Ao Akua


PS -- What temptation am I resisting? (I mentioned a temptation in the first line of this blog.) A brand new Panoz Esperante GTLM exotic sports car went for sale on eBay yesterday. It's stunning and barely has 50 miles on it. I'll probably hold off on getting another one until I visit the Panoz company next year. But wow, these cars are incredible. Just ask Francine.

If you like the free articles on this blog, let Joe know by buying him his all-time favorite gift - an Amazon gift certificate. His email is Click Here!

Saturday, December 23, 2006

What's Your Favorite Blog Post of 2006?

Here's a curious question...

What's your favorite blog post by me from 2006?

I've had this blog up and running for just over one year. Out of all the entries you've seen, which did you like the best?

You can review all the blog posts by looking on the left and scrolling through all the past months. But the blog post you like best is probably the one you remember best right now.

Which one was it?

You can post your answer as a comment on this entry.

By knowing what you like, I can better understand what to give you in 2007.

Also, who wrote your all-time favorite blog post?

I'd love to know where you found the blog entry in 2006 -- no matter who wrote it -- that you just can't stop talking about.

Meanwhile, Happy Holidays!

Ao Akua,


PS - Need a last minute gift idea? As you probably know, I have numerous books. If you visit and search on my name, you can find most of them in seconds. My next book, titled Zero Limits, is the one I am most excited about. It will come out in Summer, 2007. It'll be a head spinner. But if you need a gift right now, run to your nearest book store and grab one of my recent titles, such as The Attractor Factor or Life's Missing Instruction Manual. Both should delight anyone you give them to.

If you like the free articles on this blog, let Joe know by buying him his all-time favorite gift - an Amazon gift certificate. His email is Click Here!

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Have You Seen This Picture Before?

A friend just sent this picture to me.

I read church signs all the time, but I've never seen this one before today.

Ao Akua


If you like the free articles on this blog, let Joe know by buying him his all-time favorite gift - an Amazon gift certificate. His email is Click Here!

New Internet Marketing "Matrix" Gets Results

A dear friend of mine has been working on what she calls a "matrix."

It's an Internet marketing system she has refined and tested for years.

It's a paint-by-the-numbers plan that you simply follow with your own site in mind.

It's simple to use.

And it works -- every time.

She told me about it a few months ago and I got so excited that I begged to see it. Then I used it and saw my own website at get more traffic and more sales.

I could spend time telling you about it here, but I suggest you go look at her own explanation.

If you're looking for the online marketing strategy that really works, here's your chance.

Go see.

Ao Akua,


PS -- You can see a video of me being interviewed in Poland at I didn't know I was being filmed at first, so this is a candid one. Enjoy.

If you like the free articles on this blog, let Joe know by buying him his all-time favorite gift - an Amazon gift certificate. His email is Click Here!

Saturday, December 16, 2006

How To Get What You Want this Holiday, or, The Top 10 Things I Want for Christmas

What's the secret to getting what you want this holiday (or any time)?

I'll tell you in this blog post.

Suzanne, my assistant, urged me to tell you what I want for Christmas. She said it might inspire you to think big and to make a mind stretching list of your own.

While I don't really need anything at all -- which is the perfect place to be to manifest whatever you want -- listed below are some items I'd welcome into my life on Christmas Day, or my birthday (December 29th, in case you're into astrology), or any time in 2007.

Disclaimer: These are not in any particular order and I'd end each of them with the tag line, "This or something better."

* As much as I love Francine, I'd love to have a sister for her. I understand the Panoz auto company can make a Panoz Esperante GTLM in any color, including a non-painted reflective metallic alloy. I'd either want that, or one in purple (my favorite color). Or both.

* We loved our trip to Warsaw, Poland so much that we want to go back, and this time for a half a month or more. The people, the food, the sites, were astonishing. A couple of Business Class tickets on Polish Airlines would be welcome.

* I'd love to own the mansion in San Clemente, California I found online. The master bedroom alone is 2,000 square feet. I'm pretty sure I could stretch out in it. The place is spectacular. The view is heavenly. And it's closer to Maui than Texas. See

* I always welcome and always love Amazon gift certificates. You can buy them in values up to $5,000, and you can always get more than one.

* Dinner with Lindsay Lohan. (And she buys.)

* Anything cool and rare associated with the Panoz Auto Company. Melanie Panoz sent me a leather jacket with the Panoz crest on it. That counts as cool and rare. But I understand there is Panoz luggage and other goodies I haven't been able to find online yet.

* A box of Montecristo #1 Cuban cigars. Note: This should come off the list because a grateful reader just sent me a comparative box of cigars today. See how quickly this manifesting stuff works when you don't need it to work? I haven't even posted this list yet and I'm already receiving items on it.

* Panoz Racing School. This one excites me and terrifies me. The Panoz company has an official racing school, as well as a winery and chateau. I want to go there and experience all of it.

* I'd love to interview Sir Richard Branson for one hour for my Hypnotic Gold members. Or Sir Richard can interview me, if he prefers.

* I'd love my own hit television show. It's a little unfair to list it here, as several people are already planning to create a show for me. Ever since I was on Larry King Live and of course in the movie, The Secret, people want to see more of my beads and/or purple shirt. I'll make my desire to have my own TV show public by leaving it on this list.

There you have it. My top ten wants.

Of course, I also want peace on earth, but I know it begins with me. That's why I'm writing my new book, Zero Limits, with Dr. Hew Len. It will explain all of this in depth. (Look for it Summer, 2007.)

Finally, what I really want is to be happy in this moment, where the magic and miracles happen. Stay in the moment and all gifts are added as you breathe and take inspired action.

So, what's the secret to getting what you want?

You should know by now.

Not needing it.

You want to be in a place of peace.

You want to be grateful.

You want to be able to truthfully say -- as my friend Bootzie in Maui says -- "I'm totally satisfied, I just want more!"

When you would welcome it but you don't need it, you begin to attract it.

It all begins by being happy right now.

And you don't need anything to be happy right now.

Ao Akua,


PS - What do you want for the holiday or the new year? As I explained in my book, The Attractor Factor, just writing a list starts the process of manifesting everything on it. Well, if you could have anything, what would you want? Write it down. Anything is possible, you know. Dream big. Dare something worthy. Go for it. Tip: You might watch the movie The Secret again, and then write your list. Have fun.

PPS - If you need help with this process, consider the amazing new subliminal DVD on love and forgiveness described at and/or my Miracles Coaching program described at

PPPS -- Expect miracles! Happy Holidays!

If you like the free articles on this blog, let Joe know by buying him his all-time favorite gift - an Amazon gift certificate. His email is Click Here!

Friday, December 15, 2006

Candid Views from Inside Poland

You can see a few video clips of me in Warsaw, Poland -- including one of me hugging my luggage and another of me being translated -- by going to --

And if you can read Polish, go see -- (There's also a video interview with me there, in English.)

There's zero charge to go look and nothing to buy.

Ao Akua,


PS - Of course, if you do what something to buy, go see

If you like the free articles on this blog, let Joe know by buying him his all-time favorite gift - an Amazon gift certificate. His email is Click Here!

Thursday, December 14, 2006

The E-book that Started a Movement

My first e-book started a movement.

It was called Hypnotic Writing.

After the overnight success of it, I followed it with numerous other e-books, from Advanced Hypnotic Writing to the famous Hypnotic Writing Swipe File.

Of course, all of that success led to my best-selling software, Hypnotic Writing Wizard.

Well, I'm excited to report that my famous e-book, Hypnotic Writing, came out as a published book today.

You can get it at Amazon and you can find it in book stores in a few days.

If you're at all interested in letter writing using hypnotic skills or writing seductive letters using hypnotic skills or in how to build sexual tension using hypnotic writing skills or in how to improve your sales letters, websites, emails, or anything else using just words, here's your chance.

I've always loved Hypnotic Writing, and am excited to see it available to the world.

The published book includes new material not in the e-book, so this will become a collectible work in the future. Also, the section on my secret hypnotic writing formula, and the collection of hypnotic e-mails in the back, ought to be worth gold.

Ao Akua,


PS - If you are interested in the writing software I developed, it's explained over at The deluxe version includes several ebooks on hypnotic writing. Go see.

PPS - I want to again publicly thank Mark Joyner for promoting my first e-book. If he hadn't persisted in urging me to sell e-books, I may never have done it, or at least not done it soon enough. Thank you, Mark. You're the king.

If you like the free articles on this blog, let Joe know by buying him his all-time favorite gift - an Amazon gift certificate. His email is Click Here!

The First Seminar Ever

At the end of my two-day event in Warsaw, Poland, a young man who sat in the front row and asked many questions, came up to me and shocked me.

"This is my first ever seminar," he told me. "I've never gone to any workshop or event or talk ever before."

He then asked me the question that melted my heart.

"Is it really true?" he asked.

I didn't know what he meant.

"Is it really true that I can have anything in my life?" he asked.

I had to remember that he lives in a country that had been levelled by war during Hitler's time, that lived under martial law for years, that still contains a huge building erected by Russians, that has only been free for a couple of decades.

The people in Poland had their chains removed but still aren't sure what to do. They are awakening to their power, but also feel uncomfortable with it.

"Yes," I replied. "You can dream big and accomplish even more than what you dream."

"I can make money?" he asked. "I can even be a millionaire?"

"Yes, yes, yes. It all begins right now," I replied.

He bought the Polish edition of my book, The Attractor Factor. And he saw the movie, with the help of a translator, The Secret.

Americans take their freedom for granted. We expect and whine when we don't get. But Poland has an open heart and an eagerness to know more, while carrying a willingness to do whatever it takes to succeed.

I predict great things for them.

I'm honored to have spoken there.

Ao Akua,


PS - See a brief clip of me in Poland at

If you like the free articles on this blog, let Joe know by buying him his all-time favorite gift - an Amazon gift certificate. His email is Click Here!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

The Man Who Said, "I'll touch your wife in places she's never been touched before."

Over ten years ago, back in my Houston daze, I advised a guitar teacher to go into business writing custom songs for people: You tell him what you want and he writes an original song just for you. I thought it was a good idea. Still do.

But my guitar teacher felt extreme fear. He in fact spun around on his heels when I told him the idea, as if shot with an electric surge that made him spin like a kid's toy.

I think he liked the idea.

But he never acted on it.

The other day, while flying home from Poland, I was flipping through the December 2006 issue of The Robb Report Collection when I spotted an unusual ad. The headline read:

"I'll touch your wife in places she's never been touched before."

I read the ad and was delighted to see it was my idea brought to life. It's from an enterprising songwriter who writes custom made songs for your loved one.

Brian Alex knows what he's doing. Apparently he charges well, as he only writes two songs a month. Plus he's running ads in Robb Report magazine. I bet he's living a luxurious life doing what he loves.

I don't know him yet but his site is at

I think a secret to success is this: act on ideas when they come to you, even if they scare you and make you spin like a top.

If you don't act, some one else will.

You can still act on a good idea late in the game -- my old Houston guitar teacher could still do this idea, too, for example -- but the first to market usually claims recognition in the mind of the public.

Ao Akua,


PS - In that same issue of The Robb Report Collection there is a beautiful article about the Panoz automotive company, the wonderful Georgia folks who created my beautiful girlfriend, Francine. The article says the Panoz company can make a car for you in any color, even an unpainted mirror finish alloy. Sounds like Francine may get a sister one day.

If you like the free articles on this blog, let Joe know by buying him his all-time favorite gift - an Amazon gift certificate. His email is Click Here!

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Accelerating Miracles

Mark Ryan and I just created a subliminal DVD to help you permanently release inner blocks.

All you do is slide the DVD into any player, sit back, and watch the show.

Your conscious mind will see beautiful images and hear music as well as riveting stories told by either Mark or myself.

Your unconscious mind will receive "hidden" messages that flash on the screen.

All of this is leading edge new technology designed to install permanent change in you -- and all while you simply watch TV.

We're coming out with a series of these DVDs, but the first one is ready for you today.

It's focused on love and forgiveness -- the two biggest areas in any one's life.

Most of us who aren't happy or healthy, or wealthy or much else, have stuck issues concerning love and forgiveness. This DVD will help you with that.

It's all explained over at --

It'll make a great gift for yourself, or for friends, family, coworkers, clients, staff, and many others.

Ao Akua,


PS - I wouldn't blame you if you are skeptical, but wouldn't it be wise to at least review the site? See Go see.

If you like the free articles on this blog, let Joe know by buying him his all-time favorite gift - an Amazon gift certificate. His email is Click Here!

Monday, December 11, 2006

Poland Rises

When we were in Rome, Italy a few years ago, we couldn't wait to leave.

Rome once ruled. They know it. They have a little snobbishness in their DNA.

Not Poland.

This country has been beaten in the past. They now have a humbleness about them. They are struggling to awaken to their new found freedom and power. The people are loving and open and eager to learn and grow.

I say Poland is going to riseup and shine. I see it in the eyes of the people. I just spent two days talking to a sold out crowd about spirituality and success. Though they needed a translator, they hung on my words and grew inspired.

I have never been so well treated by anyone anywhere as I have here in Poland. I am sad to leave Warsaw.

But we will return.

Ao Akua


PS - I got a standing ovation at the end of my seminar. It lasted so long that I broke into tears. I love Poland.

PPS - The picture is of me signing books in Warsaw, Poland while the audience sat inside and watched the movie, The Secret.

** Sent via Wireless E-Mail with Blackberry **
(I could be anywhere) :)

If you like the free articles on this blog, let Joe know by buying him his all-time favorite gift - an Amazon gift certificate. His email is Click Here!

Friday, December 08, 2006

A Brief Video Clip of Joe Vitale in Warsaw

Nerissa filmed me here in Warsaw the other night. It's a brief clip showing how Warsaw reconstructed an entire city after Hitler levelled it. I think you'll like this...

Ao Akua


PS - Names are interesting. Warsaw most certainly Saw War. I wonder if they should rename their city to something like New Prosperity.

If you like the free articles on this blog, let Joe know by buying him his all-time favorite gift - an Amazon gift certificate. His email is Click Here!

Social Media Marketing

I was interviewed earler today by a hard nosed Polish reporter. She clearly didn't believe you can make money online. She demanded proof. When I gave it, she dismissed it. She felt Poland was exempt from success.

For a country only free for less than two decades, this is understandable. They don't know their individual power yet. They don't feel they deserve success yet.

There's a lot of talk about social media here. That's blogs and other person and people driven observations. The thing is even social media can keep you down. You have to choose what to pay attention to.

The Hate Wall in China may be an example. I'm told people express their hate on a wall. While venting is good, focusing on hate will attract more hate.

I vote for more conscious social media marketing. Since you get more of what you focus on, use that power for good.

Everyone can do this.

Even the Poles.

Ao Akua


** Sent via Wireless E-Mail with Blackberry **
(I could be anywhere) :)

If you like the free articles on this blog, let Joe know by buying him his all-time favorite gift - an Amazon gift certificate. His email is Click Here!

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Three lessons

I'm in Warsaw kicking back shots of Polish vodka and smoking rare Monte Cristo cuban cigars.

Three lessons I learned from the medical entrepreneur I met on the flight over here:

Get enough sleep

Know you weaknesses

Hire people who have strength where you are weak. Delegate to them.

Listen and learn.

Ao Akua


** Sent via Wireless E-Mail with Blackberry **
(I could be anywhere) :)

If you like the free articles on this blog, let Joe know by buying him his all-time favorite gift - an Amazon gift certificate. His email is Click Here!

An E-Gram from Poland

I'm in Warsaw, Poland.

Barely made it here due to numerous flight delays. But Polish Airlines moved heaven and earth for us and even held the plane for us. So we made it but our luggage didn't.

We went shopping in Warsaw. The city is having its first heat wave in 277 years. It was colder back in Texas. Since everyone is shopping, they all drive like we do and my phone works here, I feel like I'm still in the states.

I met a real character on the overseas flight. He puts struggling doctors into business with urgent care facilities. Think opposite of doctors waiting rooms. Think Doc in a Box. Walk in and get treated. Affordable too. Doc gets paid and the entrepreneur I met gets a percentage. Win-win-win.

And the entrepreneur does Profit and Loss statements WEEKLY to always know how they are doing.

More later.

In Warsaw the sun disappears early in Winter. By 3 pm it's dark. But we're going out later to sample the product Poland is best known for - vodka.

Ao Akua


** Sent via Wireless E-Mail with Blackberry **
(I could be anywhere) :)

If you like the free articles on this blog, let Joe know by buying him his all-time favorite gift - an Amazon gift certificate. His email is Click Here!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Why Esther Hicks isn't in The Secret

Everyone keeps asking me why Esther Hicks, of Abraham fame, isn't in the new version of the hit movie, The Secret.

I've known Esther and her husband Jerry for decades. They are dear friends, clients, and some of my favorite people on the planet. I wrote the introduction to their first Sara book. I helped them create and promote their website. I wrote an ad they ran in a national magazine. I've consulted with them and of course am a major fan of them and Abraham. I love them.

But I've not understood their wanting to be taken out of The Secret, and I haven't had the chance to ask them personally what's up.

Yesterday Suzanne, my assistant, found this blog post by them explaining their position.

I think this is a loving explanation why Esther wanted out. If you're curious, go see --

Ao Akua,


PS - The new version of The Secret is better than the previous. It's got nothing to do with Esther Hicks being out of the movie at all, but instead the movie is better edited and includes new footage. You must see it. Get it for yourself and friends.

If you like the free articles on this blog, let Joe know by buying him his all-time favorite gift - an Amazon gift certificate. His email is Click Here!

News Flash: "The Attractor Factor" now on iTunes

My book, The Attractor Factor, is now available as an audio recording, read by me, on iTunes.

Go to iTunes (download the program via, go to the audiobook section (on the left of the landing page), click on non-fiction, and there it is among the new titles.

A quicker way to find it is to simply search iTunes for "Joe Vitale."

Ao Akua,


PS -- The CD's will be out in a few months. But if you want to hear me reading The Attractor Factor, go to iTunes right now. Enjoy.

If you like the free articles on this blog, let Joe know by buying him his all-time favorite gift - an Amazon gift certificate. His email is Click Here!

A Driveway Paved with One Hundred Dollar Bills

The December issue of Austin All Natural magazine hit the streets running today.

There's a hypnotic story about me in it, complete with zany pictures, but the photo that made me smile bigger than normal -- as if my face were a balloon with too much air in it-- was the centerfold of my new girlfriend, Francine.

I scanned it for you but the scan is a poor duplicate of this breathtaking picture of my beloved 2005 Panoz Esperante GTLM, Francine.

The car looks like it is about to rocket off the page and right into outer space.

I really like the driveway of one hundred dollar bills.

Now that's prosperity thinking.

If you're in the Austin, Texas area, I'm sure you can soon find the magazine at a health food store near you. When I know the link for the magazine, I'll let you know.

You can see the story they wrote in the magazine (without the pictures) on my website, at

But that centerfold picture - oh, Francine is strutting now!

Ao Akua,

Smokin' Joe

PS - You may not know that I have a fitness and business-building contest that you could enter and win about $150,000 in services. It's described over at Every month you get a DVD to help you get fit physically and also build your business. Scott York talks about fitness and I talk about marketing and mindset. The combo ends up being powerful. One loyal subscriber wrote us this after seeing the fourth DVD --

"This DVD was awesome! Joe, you're in much better shape inside and out compared to DVD # 3. Your mind set is focused and upbeat and your triceps are bigger than Scott's! The end of the DVD where you went on your marketing rant was unfreakin' real! That was worth several hundred dollars right there! I loved the ideas on purchasing a new house, new car, etc by thinking out of the box and raising the money through an idea! The e class idea is really awesome and something I want to implement!" -- Zach Even - Esh Performance Systems, LLC

Again, the site to learn more is at Go see.

If you like the free articles on this blog, let Joe know by buying him his all-time favorite gift - an Amazon gift certificate. His email is Click Here!

Monday, December 04, 2006

A Life Changing Talk

I'm amazed at the number of emails I'm getting from people who saw me on Larry King Live or in the hit movie The Secret or who heard me at a recent seminar.

The emails are warm, loving, sincere and flattering. I can't answer them all but love to see them and feel them.

Sometimes an email stands out from all the rest. For example...

One of my heroes -- Bob Bly -- wrote me after hearing me speak at a recent writer's conference in Florida.

His email said the following (used here with Bob's permission) ...

You often say in public I helped you as a mentor, which I appreciate.

But your talk at AWAI changed my life.

I have always known that money likes speed, but I always liked to take my time and think about things -- and in retrospect, this has cost me a small fortune.

I have shifted into higher gears over the past few years, with good results, but after you AWAI talk, I am on fire -- 7 new info products in the works, 3 new book contracts -- thanks to you.

My only regret is that I have finally discovered this at age 49 instead of age 20.

Bob Bly

Bob is the most prolific writer I know. He has over 50 books in print. And here he is saying my talk about "Money likes speed" got him to get off his duff!

I'm moved to tears by all the emails I'm getting, and from all the people who come up to me and say my work has changed their life.

I feel inarticulate right now. I can only say I'm grateful to be given the chance to help others.

Ao Akua,


PS - The Secret movie is now The Secret book. It's a masterpiece. Get it in book stores or of course from Amazon. It'll make a great gift.

If you like the free articles on this blog, let Joe know by buying him his all-time favorite gift - an Amazon gift certificate. His email is Click Here!

Friday, December 01, 2006

How to Levitate

I can now levitate.

I can also dance (couldn't before), leap small buildings (but not sky scrapers), and out run rabbit, fox and even deer.

I feel like a Greek God.

I walk like James Bond.

I run like the Flash.

I'm a new man.

What happened?

My long awaited anti-gravity shoes arrived.

I wrote about them here back on November 6th.

I was so hypnotized by the Gadget Universe mail-order ad for these Gravity Defyer shoes that I instantly bought them and paid for overnight delivery. They weren't in stock so didn't arrive until today.

And I was so taken by the copy in that hypnotic ad that I had my assistant, Suzanne, track down the copywriter who wrote it. I spoke to him the other day and found him so fascinating I'm going to interview him for an upcoming issue of Hypnotic Gold.

Do the shoes live up to the hypnotic copy that sold them to me?

Well, let's race.




Meet you in Poland.

Ao Akua,


PS - The December issue of my ezine, News You Can Use, is now online. Go to and look on the left. Click on "Past Newsletters." You'll also find links to my podcast and my video blog. All free, too. Enjoy!

If you like the free articles on this blog, let Joe know by buying him his all-time favorite gift - an Amazon gift certificate. His email is Click Here!